Zakon o opštem upravnom postupku SRJ (= A közigazgatási eljárásról szóló törvény; General Administrative Procedure Law). Službeni list SFRJ, 1986/47.


Kisebbségi jogokra vonatkozó jogszabályok


Article 16.

(1) The administrative body carries out proceedings in the Serbian language of »ekavski" or "jekavski" dialect and uses the Cyrillic script in such proceedings, and also uses the Latin script as prescribed by the law. In regions in which, according to the law, a language of a national minority is also in official use, the proceedings are held also in the language of the relevant national minority, with the use of the script used by such national minority.

(2) If the proceedings are not held in the mother tongue of the party, or other participants in the proceedings, who are Yugoslav citizens, interpreting will be provided through interpreters into their language, and all written communications and suppinas will be handed over in their language and script.

(3) Parties and other participants in the proceedings who are not Yugoslav citizens are entitled to follow the proceedings through an interpreter and have the right to use their language during the proceedings.